David Domminney Fowler

Guitarist & Geek | Geek & Guitarist


Computing / Programming

I started programming in BASIC on an Acorn Electron some time in 1986. I soon upgraded to a BBC Micro, then a master. My first PC was an Amstrad 1640, then I had a 2086. It was on these that I fi....

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Video Production

I've always had a keen interest in video production but it wasn't until technology had moved on a bit and I had something worth filming that I produced some things that I am proud of. Rec....

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Audio Production

From 1998 to 2006 I worked full time as a producer and engineer at Rogue Studios ( roguestudios.co.uk ). I am still a minor partner but due to touring commitments I don't end up producing as m....

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Pixel Noise Geek Stuff

Create wave files from pictures with VB.NET Hi everyone, I thought I'd share the code behind pixel noise here. Some of it was taken from this website , converted to VB.NET and then modified t....

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